Rappel Produit Saucisse au piment d’Espelette et saucisse au thym citron

Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de Saucisse au piment d’Espelette et saucisse au thym citron

Par Rappel Produit Publié le 31 juillet 2024 à 9h23
Rappel Produit Saucisse Au Piment D'espelette Et Saucisse Au Thym Citron
Rappel Produit Saucisse au piment d'Espelette et saucisse au thym citron - © Economie Matin


Date of Announcement: 31 July 2024

In a recent announcement by the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF), a significant product recall has been initiated for SAUCISSE AU PIMENT D'ESPELETTE ET SAUCISSE AU THYM CITRON by TRADIVAL, due to a breach in the cold chain during delivery to stores. This recall is vital for consumers to heed as it involves products widely sold across France.

Risks Involved

The breach in the cold chain can lead to modifications in the organoleptic properties of the sausages, potentially causing digestive issues for consumers. It is crucial for consumers who have purchased these products to be aware of these risks and take appropriate action to avoid any health problems.

Identifying the Recalled Products

Here are the specific details of the products involved in this recall:

Product Name GTIN Lot Number Expiration Date
Saucisse au piment d'Espelette 3608568201951 c4205353 04/08/2024
Saucisse au thym citron 3608568201968 c4205355 04/08/2024

Recommended Actions for Consumers

Consumers who have purchased the affected products are advised to:

  • Stop consumption immediately: To safeguard health, affected products should not be consumed.
  • Destroy the product: For safety, these products should be disposed of properly.
  • Seeking a refund: Consumers are eligible for a refund and can reach out to the contact number 0238465600 for further assistance.

The recall procedure is active until 19 August 2024, ensuring consumers have ample time to take necessary action.

For More Information

Consumers can stay updated on this and other product recalls by visiting DGCCRF's product recall site.

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