Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de MARMITE A MOULES EMAIL 20CM

Par Rappel Produit Publié le 30 mai 2024 à 12h29
Rappel Produit Marmite A Moules Email 20cm

Urgent Product Recall Alert: CREALYS MARMITE A MOULES EMAIL 20CM

The Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF) has issued an urgent recall notice for the CREALYS MARMITE A MOULES EMAIL 20CM due to health risks associated with the product. This recall has been initiated following the discovery that the product exceeds the safe levels of Cobalt, posing a risk of this substance migrating from the product to food, in violation of the Regulation (EU) 1935/2004 concerning materials in contact with food.

Risks and Safety Concerns

The DGCCRF has identified that the exceedance of Cobalt thresholds presents a significant health risk, potentially leading to the ingestion of this substance by consumers. Cobalt, in excess amounts, could pose health risks, therefore users are advised to immediately cease using the product and follow the recall procedure outlined below.

Product Identification

The recall specifically targets the CREALYS MARMITE A MOULES EMAIL 20CM, with the reference number 508296 and lot number 23AC00017. This product was available for purchase between May 10, 2023, and May 29, 2024, across France in stores such as Centrakor, Intermarché, and Leclerc.

Recall Procedure and Compensation

Consumers in possession of the recalled product are instructed not to use it and to return it to the point of sale for a full refund. It is necessary to provide proof of purchase dated after May 9, 2023, to be eligible for the refund. The procedure for this recall will end on July 29, 2024.

Table Summary of the Recall

Reference Number 508296
Lot Number 23AC00017
Date of Sale 10/05/2023 to 29/05/2024
Sales Area France entière
Retailers Centrakor, Intermarché, Leclerc
Recall Reason Exceedance of Cobalt thresholds permitted for materials in contact with food
Action Required Stop use, return to point of sale
Compensation Refund with proof of purchase after 09/05/2023
Recall End Date 29/07/2024

For more details on product recalls, visit the official website at https://rappel.conso.gouv.fr/.

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