Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de Jambon cuit à la coupe
Rappel Produit Jambon cuit à la coupe

Important Product Recall Notice: Jambon Cuit à la Coupe
The DGCCRF (Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes) has announced a critical product recall concerning "Jambon Cuit à la Coupe" (Ham sliced at the counter) with no brand name specified, due to the detection of Listeria Monocytogenes. This bacterium is responsible for listeriosis, a serious infection that can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. The detected product was sold at the Carrefour Express Aignan location.
Product Identification & Details
Product Type | Brand | Model or Reference | GTIN | Lot | Expiration Date | Sale Period | Distributor |
Jambon Cuit à la Coupe | Sans Marque | Jambon Cuit à la Coupe | 1111111111116 | 240625A | 27/08/2024 | 22/07/2024 to 25/07/2024 | Carrefour Express Aignan |
Consuming products contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can lead to listeriosis, which manifests symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, and sometimes more severe complications like neurological issues and pregnancy complications. The incubation period for listeriosis can extend up to eight weeks.
Recommended Action
If you have purchased this product, the DGCCRF advises to immediately stop consumption and destroy the product. Additionally, if you experience any symptoms described above, particularly if you belong to the at-risk groups (pregnant women, elderly, immunocompromised), it is imperative to consult your doctor and mention the potential consumption of the affected product.
Customers can contact the following number for further instructions or to claim a refund: 0969397000. The recall procedure will remain active until 17/08/2024.
More Information
For further details and updates on this and other product recalls, visit DGCCRF Product Recall Website.
This recall notice serves as a critical reminder of checking your purchased products against recall alerts to ensure health and safety.
Retrouvez les autres rappels de produit publiés par la DGCCRF