Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de CROTTIN DE CHAVIGNOL AOP

Par Rappel Produit Publié le 28 juin 2024 à 16h29
Rappel Produit Crottin De Chavignol Aop

Urgent Product Recall: Crottin de Chavignol AOP - Risk of Escherichia coli

The Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (DGCCRF) has issued an urgent recall notice for Crottin de Chavignol AOP due to the presence of harmful Escherichia coli O26. Consumers are advised to take immediate action to ensure their safety.

Identified Risks

The recall has been issued following the detection of Escherichia coli shiga toxinogène (STEC) O26, a bacterium capable of causing severe health issues. Ingestion of the affected product could lead to symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and sometimes fever. These symptoms could potentially be followed by serious renal complications, especially in children, making this recall highly consequential.

Advice for Consumers

Anyone in possession of the recalled product is urged to cease consumption immediately and return it to their point of purchase for a refund. Those who have consumed the affected Crottin de Chavignol AOP and are experiencing any related symptoms should consult a healthcare provider promptly. It is advised to mention the consumption of the product along with the place and date of purchase during the consultation.

Preventive Measures

In general, authorities recommend cooking minced meat and minced meat products thoroughly (70°C), avoiding raw or undercooked flour-based foods, and opting for cooked or peeled vegetables. Pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals are advised to avoid raw milk and products made from raw milk, favoring instead pasteurized milk products and thoroughly cooked meats.

Product Recall Details

Product Crottin de Chavignol AOP
GTIN 3184670010600
Lot 123-01
Best Before Date 29/06/2024
Packaging Blister of 2 cheeses
Sale Period 22/05/2024 to 27/06/2024
Storage Instructions Keep refrigerated
Contact Number 0800352919
End of Recall Procedure 15/07/2024

For further details on the recall and for information on other product recalls, consumers can visit https://rappel.conso.gouv.fr/, the official website for product recall alerts.

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