Rappel Produit Chorizo à griller

Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de Chorizo à griller

Par Rappel Produit Publié le 18 juillet 2024 à 12h33
Rappel Produit Chorizo à Griller

Important Recall Notice for Thierry SCHWEITZER’s Chorizo à Griller Due to Salmonella Risk

The Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF) has recently issued a product recall notice for the Thierry SCHWEITZER’s Chorizo à Griller, highlighting a serious health concern due to the detection of Salmonella. The affected products pose significant risks to consumers, with particulars worth noting to ensure both safety and awareness.

Identified Risks

The recall was initiated following the detection of Salmonella spp in the product, a bacteria responsible for causing salmonellosis. This condition is known for causing acute gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea and vomiting, fever, and headaches within 6 to 72 hours after consumption of the contaminated product. These symptoms can be especially severe in young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems.

What You Should Do

Consumers in possession of the recalled product are advised to not consume or use the product and to either destroy it or return it to the place of purchase for a full refund. Those who have consumed the product and are experiencing symptoms of salmonellosis should consult their healthcare provider promptly, mentioning the consumption of the recalled chorizo.

Product Details

Here is a breakdown of the recalled Chorizo à Griller specifics for easy identification:

Product Name Brand GTIN Codes Lot Number Expiration Date Packaging Distribution Areas
Chorizo à Griller Thierry SCHWEITZER 3760041615898, 3760041615881 24190-047 23/07/2024 Barquettes & Poches sous atmosphère protectrice BAS-RHIN (67), HAUT-RHIN (68)

Preventative Measures

For products requiring cooking, ensuring a core temperature of +65°C can destroy Salmonella and prevent illness. Nonetheless, the best course of action is to adhere to the recall advice and avoid consumption of the affected Chorizo à Griller batches.

Consumers can also contact the provided hotline at 0388499797 for additional information regarding the recall and compensation details.

This recall will be in effect until 07/08/2024, giving consumers ample time to ensure their safety by returning or disposing of the product accordingly.

For more details on product recalls, visit rappel.conso.gouv.fr, the official site for product danger alerts.

Retrouvez les autres rappels de produit publiés par la DGCCRF

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