Rappel Produit Casque d’équitation visière standard Imperial Riding Olania Crystal

Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de Casque d’équitation visière standard Imperial Riding Olania Crystal

Par Rappel Produit Publié le 5 juin 2024 à 15h32
Rappel Produit Casque D'équitation Visière Standard Imperial Riding Olania Crystal
Rappel Produit Casque d'équitation visière standard Imperial Riding Olania Crystal - © Economie Matin

Important Safety Recall: Imperial Riding Olania Crystal Equestrian Helmet

The Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF) has issued an urgent recall notice for the Imperial Riding Olania Crystal Equestrian Helmet due to non-conformity with the European Personal Protective Equipment Regulations and the EN 1384 standard. This product poses a serious risk of external injuries to users. For the safety of consumers, immediate action is required.

Risk of External Injuries

This recall has been initiated because the helmet's peak is too rigid, which could lead to severe neck damage in the event of sudden head movement or improper neck positioning. The inflexibility of the peak increases the risk of serious external injuries, which has prompted this precautionary measure.

Affected Products

The recall concerns all lots of the KL13321005 model with the GTIN 8714184890600. The affected helmets have been distributed across France through various channels, including independent saddleries, marketplaces, and physical retail outlets.

What Should Consumers Do?

If you own an Imperial Riding Olania Crystal Equestrian Helmet, it is strongly advised to stop using the product immediately to prevent any potential harm. To address this issue, consumers are entitled to a full refund.

Summary Table

Product Name Model/Reference GTIN Sales Area Risk Action
Imperial Riding Olania Crystal Equestrian Helmet KL13321005 8714184890600 France External Injuries Stop using and get a refund

For more information on this and other product recalls, visit the official website rappel.conso.gouv.fr.

This recall asserts the commitment of the DGCCRF and Imperial Riding towards consumer safety and product compliance. If you're in possession of the recalled helmet, ensure to cease usage immediately and seek a refund.

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