Rappel Produit Camembert d’Isigny au lait de fermes sélectionnées 250g

Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de Camembert d’Isigny au lait de fermes sélectionnées 250g

Par Rappel Produit Publié le 15 juillet 2024 à 15h49
Rappel Produit Camembert D'isigny Au Lait De Fermes Sélectionnées 250g

Urgent Product Recall: Isigny Sainte Mère Camembert Due to Listeria Risk

The Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF) has issued an immediate recall notice for Camembert d'Isigny au lait de fermes sélectionnées 250g by Isigny Sainte Mère due to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes. Consumers are urged to check their products and follow the recommended safety procedures without delay.

Risk Description

The recalled product has been found to contain Listeria monocytogenes, the bacteria responsible for listeriosis, a serious infection that can lead to fever, muscle aches, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms. Listeriosis can have severe outcomes such as neurological impacts and complications for pregnant women, newborns, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. The incubation period can extend up to eight weeks, making prompt medical attention crucial for those who have consumed the affected product and exhibit symptoms.

Product Recall Details

Product Name GTIN Lot Best Before Brand Storage Instructions
Camembert d'Isigny au lait de fermes sélectionnées 250g 3254550030193 D1692 19/08/2024 Isigny Sainte Mère Refrigerate

The products were sold across France in stores such as Carrefour, Cora, Intermarché, Leclerc, and through the independent wholesaler M. LECONTE, from July 5, 2024, to July 15, 2024.

Recommended Consumer Actions

If you have purchased this product, do not consume it. Return it to the purchase point for a full refund. If you have consumed the product and experience fever, headaches, muscle aches, or gastrointestinal symptoms, contact your healthcare provider and mention the possible exposure to listeria.

Compensation and Contact Information

Consumers in possession of the recalled product are eligible for a refund. The recall procedure will remain active until August 19, 2024. For further assistance and information regarding the recall, consumers can visit the official product recall website at https://rappel.conso.gouv.fr/.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers is of the utmost importance. We urge everyone to spread the word about this recall to prevent the consumption of the contaminated product and to ensure community health and safety.

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