Rappel Produit fromage au lait cru de chèvre

Le site Rappel Conso a lancé une nouvelle alerte concernant un produit en vente en France. Cette fois il s’agit de fromage au lait cru de chèvre

Par Rappel Produit Publié le 7 juin 2024 à 19h49
Rappel Produit Fromage Au Lait Cru De Chèvre

Important Product Recall Alert: Goat Cheese Due to Health Risks

On June 7, 2024, the Directorate-General for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs, and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) issued a critical alert concerning the recall of a popular goat cheese product. The recall affects "Selles sur cher Valençay Bûches," a cheese made from raw goat's milk, due to the detection of Escherichia coli shiga toxin-producing bacteria (STEC).

What Are the Risks?

Consumption of the affected cheese could lead to severe health issues, including bloody diarrhea, abdominal pains, and vomiting, which could potentially escalate to serious renal complications, especially in children. The DGCCRF advises anyone experiencing these symptoms after consuming the product to seek medical attention immediately.

Who Is Affected?

This recall impacts all consumers who purchased the cheese across France between May 22 and May 31, 2024. It concerns products sold directly to consumers and involves the following lots: 2105-2205-2305-2505.

Recommended Actions

Individuals in possession of the product are strongly advised not to consume it and to destroy it. For those seeking refunds, the details for compensation are provided by the distributors of the product.

Advice for Consumers

In line with health recommendations, individuals, especially those most vulnerable such as young children, the elderly, immunocompromised individuals, and pregnant women, are advised to avoid consuming raw or insufficiently cooked products, including meat, milk, and vegetables. Cooking foods thoroughly is the best precaution against foodborne illnesses.

Recall Overview

Product Lots Sale Dates Recall Initiation Date End of Recall Process
Selles sur cher Valençay Bûches 2105-2205-2305-2505 22/05/2024 - 31/05/2024 07/06/2024 24/06/2024

For further details on this and other product recalls, consumers can visit the DGCCRF's official product recall site at https://rappel.conso.gouv.fr/.

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